mv Kungsholm – 1953 (2017) Nico Guns
William H. Miller, international authority of modern shipping history, could not have stated it better when he wrote about the masterpiece that was constructed at the Dutch yard ‘De Schelde’ (KMS) in the years 1950-1953: ”She was one of the loveliest passenger ships ever to sail the Atlantic, and her serene, classical exterior was balanced by superbly decorated accommodation.” He was not alone in his praise, nautical experts of the time agreed she was the latest and convincing proof of superb Dutch ship design and building capabilities.
The Kungsholm enjoyed success in all of her three guises. From 1953 until 1965 she sailed for the Svenska Amerika Linien (Swedish America Line – SAL) and then the Norddeutscher Lloyd (NL) took over the ship and gave her the proud name Europa. In Germany, Europa was enormously popular and lasted until 1981 when the ship was sold to the Costa Compania (CCia). It began a new lease of life as a cruise ship and was re-named the Columbus C. She sailed profitably in sunny waters until fate intervened on July 29, 1984. On that day, Columbus C tried to maneuver into the port of Cadiz but scraped the sharp edge of a breakwater and sank pitifully deep in the water. The wreck was salvaged by the Dutch company of Smit Tak International, but there was no hope of restoration and the cutters of the Barcelona Demoliciónes Españoles had to finish her off. The end came after thirty-one years of loyal service.
This engaging book takes the reader on an incredible journey that explores this remarkable ship from the time she was conceived until her untimely end. Filled with beautiful photos and expert commentary in both English and Dutch, this is a book that ship lovers will be proud to add to their personal library.
PB – English and Dutch expert text – richly illustrated
Maritime history
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NL € (23.95) | US $ (45.00) | UK £ (24.60) | Can $ (20.80) | Aus $ (70.20)